Merge / Split Afred Clipboard Script

Open merge-split-alfred-clipboard in Script Kit

This is a very specific yet useful Script, for those who have Alfred app with Powerpack and use the clipboard history. It allows you to split and merge it in several ways. For merge, it asks you for the number of items in the clipboard, with a preview, and then asks you the merging character or characters. The resulting merge is placed in the clipboard. For split, it asks you for a splitting character or characters, and saves all the resulted strings (after splitting) in the clipboard history.

Use cases:

  • copy a bunch of values from different places, join them together in one shot, by `\n'
  • copy a list of values, separated by comma or \n, split them and paste them individually in a form
// Name: Merge / Split Alfred clipboard
// Description: Merge or split clipboard content using Alfred app's clipboard
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
const Database = await npm("better-sqlite3");
const databasePath = home('Library/Application Support/Alfred/Databases/clipboard.alfdb')
if (!await pathExists(databasePath)) {
notify("Alfred clipboard database not found" )
const db = new Database(databasePath);
const queryClipboard = async (sql, params) => {
const stmt = db.prepare(sql);
return sql.trim().toUpperCase().startsWith("SELECT") ? stmt.all(params) :;
const getMergedClipboards = async (count, separator) => {
const sql = `SELECT item FROM clipboard WHERE dataType = 0 order by ROWID desc LIMIT ?`;
const clipboards = await queryClipboard(sql, [count]);
return => row.item.trim()).join(separator);
const writeMergedClipboards = async (mergedText) => {
await clipboard.writeText(mergedText);
const getSplitClipboard = async (separator, trim) => {
const currentClipboard = await clipboard.readText();
return currentClipboard.split(separator).map(item => trim ? item.trim() : item);
const writeSplitClipboard = async (splitText) => {
const lastTsSql = `SELECT ts FROM clipboard WHERE dataType = 0 ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1`;
const lastTsResult = await queryClipboard(lastTsSql, []);
let lastTs = lastTsResult.length > 0 ? Number(lastTsResult[0].ts) : 0;
const insertSql = `INSERT INTO clipboard (item, ts, dataType, app, appPath) VALUES (?, ?, 0, 'Kit', '/Applications/')`;
for (let i = 0; i < splitText.length - 1; i++) {
lastTs += 1;
await queryClipboard(insertSql, [splitText[i], lastTs]);
await clipboard.writeText(splitText[splitText.length - 1]);
const action = await arg("Choose action", ["Merge", "Split"]);
if (action === "Merge") {
const count = await arg({
placeholder: "Enter the number of clipboard items to merge",
}, async (input) => {
if (isNaN(Number(input)) || input.length === 0)return ''
return md(`<pre>${await getMergedClipboards(input, '\n')}</pre>`)
const separator = await arg({
placeholder: "Enter the separator for merging",
}, async (input) => {
if (input === '\\n') input = '\n'
return md(`<pre>${await getMergedClipboards(count, input)}</pre>`)
const mergedText = await getMergedClipboards(count, separator);
await writeMergedClipboards(mergedText);
await notify("Merged clipboard items and copied to clipboard");
} else {
// const separator = await arg("Enter the separator for splitting");
const separator = await arg({
placeholder: "Enter the separator for splitting",
}, async (input) => {
if (input === '\\n') input = '\n'
let strings = await getSplitClipboard(input, true);
return md(`<pre>${strings.join('\n')}</pre>`)
const trim = await arg("Trim clipboard content?", ["Yes", "No"]);
const splitText = await getSplitClipboard(separator, trim === "Yes");
await writeSplitClipboard(splitText);
await notify("Split clipboard content and stored in Alfred clipboard");